Boric Acid Suppositories Applicators


The applicators are made to assist in inserting the boric acid suppository quickly and effectively.

Each applicator is individually wrapped so you can rest assured they are sterile and clean.

We recommend that you discard the applicator after every use, if not, our suppository applicators can be reused if cleaned properly with mild soap and water.

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To insert the suppository:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before taking the capsule out of the package.
  2. Gently insert one suppository as far as it can comfortably go into your vagina. You may use your finger or use the applicator.
  3. If applicable, remove the applicator and throw it away.
  4. Consider wearing a panty liner, as there may be discharge after you insert the suppository.
  5. Wash your hands before resuming your daily activities.

The information is not intended to replace a healthcare professional’s diagnosis and should not be construed as individual medical advice.

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Boric Acid Suppositories Applicators

The applicators are made to assist in inserting the boric acid suppository quickly and effectively. Each applicator is individually wrapped so you can rest assured they are sterile and clean. We recommend that you discard the applicator after every use, if not, our suppository applicators can be reused if cleaned properly with mild soap and water.

Boric Acid Suppositories

Boric Acid Suppositories help to promote the proper acid balance in the vagina.
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